I Know Where I Belong…In VA-10…Maybe

4/2/21: What Do PACT’s Locked Twitter Account and Dropping Coffins Off At My Home Have In Common?

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Chardonnay Antifa, “Silence the opposition” and Blacklisting PACT for Being Anti-CRT

Today, I get up, turn on the computer and see that my Twitter account has been locked. Why? Because Chardonnay Antifa’s very own Charolette McConnell complained about my Tweet to her (read below). This is the same SJW that lead the charge to have PACT’s GoFundMe campaign shut down.

The other image, with the coffins and comment to have them delivered to my home (and the VA Project’s, Dave Gordon’s home) is courtesy of Elle Wicke and Lacey Harris. Elle was also part of the crew to have PACT’s GoFundMe campaign shut down.

Try explaining this to your wife, and especially your daughter, “telling them everything’s ok”. It is really hard to believe some people are really this stupid, but here’s the proof. Elle, Lacey, Charlotte do you really think you’re going to shut me up?

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